now: 6:28 am
cups of coffee: 3/4 cup
year in reverse chronology: 1995
general feelings: it's early. i'll process that after the fact.
now: 7:14 am
cups of coffee: 1 1/4 cups
year in reverse chronology: 1990
general feelings: i just read a polar bear attacked some lady at the berlin zoo who hopped in the habitat. many questions. how did she manage to do that? is knut okay? do you think she wanted to pet knut? do you think she mistook the big polar bear from knut? do you think the biter was knut's mama? why would she do this on easter? maybe knut is jesus? he's so cute. do you think knut would bite a woman? also, the woman looks pretty happy. do you think she's a masochist? poor knut. he shouldn't have to go through this. i hope his mama shielded his cuddly polar bear eyes.

now: 8:39 am
cups of coffee: 2
year in reverse chronology: 1983
general feelings: need coffee. i wish a nymph would bring me special brew.
now: 9:09 am
cups of coffee: 2
year in reverse chronology: 1900, sike! (1980)
general feelings: swoon.

now: 10:29 am
cups of coffee: stuck at 2
year in reverse chronology: 1973
general feelings: this is a long slot. i try and feel like i'm riding an iron maiden riff or something, just chugging along. it kinda helps.
now: 11:09 am
cups of coffee: still 2
year in reverse chronology: 1972
general feelings: sustained with orangina, sorta. mostly feel a little like jello, a little like this:

now: 12:11 pm
cups of coffee: 2 and 1/4 of a medium red-eye
year in reverse chronology: 1968
general feelings: just did some jumping jacks. considering doing some push-ups.
now: 12:44 pm
cups of coffee: 2 and 2/4 of that ol' red-eye
year in reverse chronology: ? ? ?
general feelings: feel like making twitter.
now: 1:44 pm
cups of coffee: almost 3
year in reverse chronology: 1964
general feelings: uh, oh. el varshkar is here.

now: 2:04 pm
cups of coffee: 3
year in reverse chronology: 1963
general feelings:

now: 2:57 pm
cups of coffee: steady at 3
year in chronology: 1961
general feelings: i feel like i'm a mega-wizard floating in a black hole.
now: 4:54 pm
total cups of coffee: 3
chronology: done
general feelings: super foggy.
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