Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
anm 9/7/09
mcphee/brotzmann - guts
dreyblatt and orchestra of excited strings - nodal excitement
partch - delusion of the fury
holland/bailey - improvisations for cello and guitar
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

got lots of goody records today.
two albert ayler jams including music is the healing force
ornette - science fiction
marion brown - geechee recollections AND afternoon of a georgia sky (but no sweet flying earth :>()
dolphy - last date
and about like 20 more.
also listened to the tony conrad stuff i helped engineer on wkcr.
beer pong and bike riding last night.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
four. pack of dogs
song titles as conceived last fourth of july:
a venetian bestiary
the otter and the mallet
flight of the birds
noah and the raven
jt theodore and his crocodile
miscellany of mammals
being delicious, my bruise, like the universe, is not everything
there there one
ballerina's fluid
trinity of ouroboros before the alchemical rose
the cosmogons
the measurement
the cosmic oven
the celestial alphabet
vessel of magic
the world energy
totemic disturbance
space rose
hermetic image
getty tomb
disks of newton
the ways of silence
soul of the lotus
annunciation of the new mysticism
cosmic sun
pre-war pageant
fog horns
the dissolution of the cities
tower of fire
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Friday, June 5, 2009
steppenwolf is on the record player.
mr. reid, you have done well. 
this shit is hot.

as for life. it has been much ebay, of items such as these:

the grateful dead labels are pretty cool though. and for good albums (the unofficially titled skulls and roses and europe '72, which is an original warner brothers label).
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
note to self:
last night, in my dream, ryan adams lent me a graphic novel by tea meyo.
remember to return it.
Friday, May 22, 2009
last night i dreamed somebody loved me (or how i survived a nuclear blast)
in my dream last night, columbia was situated on the atlantic ocean...
we were at war with someone, cause all i know is i went out on the deck of what was essentially my beach house dorm and saw these planes coming and firing a mixture of bullets and lasers. This continued for some time with the enemy planes dropping bombs not unlike the tie bomber explosives in star wars. it was getting heavy. there were all kinds of broken ships and girls in lime green we love new york shirts that had an outline of florida on them. this continues for a long time. its fairly exciting, but also dangerous. ahh...i just remembered there were like nasa spaceships landing in the water too. it was so cool. i saw at least two land. one was a full size modern space shuttle. the other was one of those pods from the early days of space exploration.
okay, so eventually, i see this plane that looks exactly like the enola gay come and land right next to the dorms. needless to say, i freaked. i had figured the entire time they wouldn't hurt us because we were college students, but now i knew. so i ran to the basement. i suppose this part warrants a brief fleshing out. i've been helping my dad clean out basement which is piled higher than mighty with boxes and the like. i ran behind one and all of a sudden i feel this really warm, weird feeling on the back of my hand that was exposed. i faced away from the blast and took a nearby blanket and threw it over me. i don't really remember much else. all i can say is that i somehow made it unscathed, except for my hand, which was pretty mangled. it hurt throughout the rest of the dream.
when you survive a nuclear blast, where do you go next? downtown! nyu!
so i went to my friend candaces graduation. they had these big metal detectors and there was a long line of people to get in. they id'd me and and made me pay a fee to pass into the section of nyc, which was more like the normal nyc than columbia's area. i entered this space and there were jam-packed chairs and an orchestra was doing a conduction. my other friend bailey, who is best friends with candace, was in the orchestra playing flute. i went over and bugged her for a while, until the setting morphed into a seminar on the philosophy of war. i got in trouble for talking to a kid named orrin. he was trying to put the pieces together, but the teacher yelled at him telling him that his comment was not valuable.
...and then i woke up.
my mom just told me that its for dreams like this that the swim test requirement prepares you for.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Sunday, May 10, 2009
a moment of appreciation for a beautiful soul
Friday, May 8, 2009
why sobriety?
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
a few thoughts.
we jam econo, jams run free, strawberry jam, kick out the jams, etc.
why everyone scared of the jam these days?
gay boobs
slayer. geez man. play those songs a little bit faster, why dont you? and the vocals are so weird. they really freak me out. the production values are so estranged from the music.
there are rain drops on my glasses. sometimes i leave them there as long as possible. they make vision so unpredictable.
Monday, May 4, 2009
freak out
froke out earlier about an essay on vw.
a little more placid now.
thanks for listening bloggy.
Friday, May 1, 2009
super avant sludge black metal wizard king lizard
torche and harvey milk. july 29.
its going to be sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo rad.
exploding brain-ears-body-beer.
Monday, April 27, 2009
observations for this day in parker's history
the puker melody is sorta the melody in loch raven by animal collective.
evan parker in '73: ayler's technique and pharaoh's overtones and sound. coupled with reich's '64 tape loops frame. add in circular breathing and flicker tongue devices.
paraphrasing paul bley: the problem with structures is that you didn't create them.
paraphrasing mr. bill dixon: the best free players are those who don't know how to play.
howlin' wolf's howl is one of the greatest vocal moments of all time for me.
and don cherry's mofuggin' "brown rice."
Sunday, April 26, 2009
just checkin up on my baby's baby
every weekend there's always clothes in the shower.
its either sex or some kid pooping himself.
on wien 12, either option is just as probable.
on an unrelated note, i lost my L key this morning when a bunch of books fell on my computers. now i have to touch that rubber, squishy thing to make the letter go.
i feel like im really working the interface.
that was the battle for the L key. partially reattached. but at an odd angle.
this program was brought to you by the letter...fuck you L.
i'm the ivy leaguer. you're just a letter in the alphabet.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
i once saw a one legged man do a back-flip.
jim jarmusch was far-out tonight.
and has lovely hair.

talked of boris, sunn o))), earth.
talked of collecting paint chips of shades of white from the hardware store and how it tripped him out.
you trip me out jim jarmusch.
i drew these there. on the left i chart the resemblance between a jellyfish and an imperial tracking droid on hoth from the empire strikes back. on the top right is darnel. on the bottom right is simon.

i drew these buddies during my class earlier in the day. this porcelain doll was talking about modernization in the south, but all i could think of was octopi. on the top is grimes. he has a rad head-band like jazz bassist henry grimes. on the bottom is oswald.

if you haven't already guessed, darnel and oswald are cousins.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
pizza & mingus
plus more creatures
jim dickinson's comments on his role as a producer: "the part of the recording process i go for is the space between the notes -- I tell the band that part's mine."
and now some friendlies:
the octo-spectre

and octo-star (left) and jelly-ghost, funghost (right)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
we've been had
pre-frosh holding hands, making love, sharing milkshakes.
"i want you to be my girlfriend when we come here" or.
non-monogamous aspects of the city.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
making stuff
an artistic ethos.
corrosion of conformity. on the no core tape. pure joy. beer. comforting. not creepy.
theft of the mona lisa in 1911. totally awesome.
seismic airgun.
slowly exploding. bare it for all to see, bear. not rat; bear.
supernova sun death.
i don't want to do that.
especially not now.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
live blogging 11 hours on wkcr
started: 5 am

now: 6:28 am
cups of coffee: 3/4 cup
year in reverse chronology: 1995
general feelings: it's early. i'll process that after the fact.
now: 7:14 am
cups of coffee: 1 1/4 cups
year in reverse chronology: 1990
general feelings: i just read a polar bear attacked some lady at the berlin zoo who hopped in the habitat. many questions. how did she manage to do that? is knut okay? do you think she wanted to pet knut? do you think she mistook the big polar bear from knut? do you think the biter was knut's mama? why would she do this on easter? maybe knut is jesus? he's so cute. do you think knut would bite a woman? also, the woman looks pretty happy. do you think she's a masochist? poor knut. he shouldn't have to go through this. i hope his mama shielded his cuddly polar bear eyes.

now: 8:39 am
cups of coffee: 2
year in reverse chronology: 1983
general feelings: need coffee. i wish a nymph would bring me special brew.
now: 9:09 am
cups of coffee: 2
year in reverse chronology: 1900, sike! (1980)
general feelings: swoon.

now: 10:29 am
cups of coffee: stuck at 2
year in reverse chronology: 1973
general feelings: this is a long slot. i try and feel like i'm riding an iron maiden riff or something, just chugging along. it kinda helps.
now: 11:09 am
cups of coffee: still 2
year in reverse chronology: 1972
general feelings: sustained with orangina, sorta. mostly feel a little like jello, a little like this:

now: 12:11 pm
cups of coffee: 2 and 1/4 of a medium red-eye
year in reverse chronology: 1968
general feelings: just did some jumping jacks. considering doing some push-ups.
now: 12:44 pm
cups of coffee: 2 and 2/4 of that ol' red-eye
year in reverse chronology: ? ? ?
general feelings: feel like making twitter.
now: 1:44 pm
cups of coffee: almost 3
year in reverse chronology: 1964
general feelings: uh, oh. el varshkar is here.

now: 2:04 pm
cups of coffee: 3
year in reverse chronology: 1963
general feelings:

now: 2:57 pm
cups of coffee: steady at 3
year in chronology: 1961
general feelings: i feel like i'm a mega-wizard floating in a black hole.
now: 4:54 pm
total cups of coffee: 3
chronology: done
general feelings: super foggy.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
bust out those big tambourines. it's time to party.
ride the party at my place until 2 am. bbq, face painting, silk screening, live performances, bar and more.

Thursday, April 9, 2009
tabula rasa
my dear readers,

let me enrich you with rich nugget knowledge that i have gleaned from my recent explorations of the intellectual sort.
i'm talking about reading, silly.
neon meate dream of an octa-fish.
erasure phrase.
i completed "the rites of spring" recently, and whoa! all i can say is that stravinsky jew hater really knew his stuff. complex reading, really had to twist my head around it, opening up my eyes to new horizons. it was like a blackbird singing on an georgian elm.
i like my beer like i like my reading, complex and dark. i also like my coffee, women and poop like that too. its a wonder of human nature that we continually amuse and discover ourselves through this anatomy and dissection when we read.
oh radiant joys of a sun plectrum sphere. my mind. i will never be the same after wordsworth's prelude. or james deans cameo in richard pryor's 1982 stand-up film.
on other notes,
and so i met that girl at 212a.
she has an eye patch and cane. and i think she likes me. i couldnt tell though. i dropped my pencil and stared deep into the furrows of her brow. likening each hair to a follicle of mindfiber that i could not smell to see if it was still fresh. and a flash. i was again in the hot sun. i want to be raped by a warm light. the radiant joys. the ecstatic woes. the whole she-bang. unfurling.
i told her, "have you ever tasted?"
she said, "define taste."
"to smell and ripen"
"i have not then"
"come home"
"i will not"
and here we are. not. alone.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
the redeemers
dear tenemosraul,
today i saw the cutest girl in butler 212a.
i hope she drinks her coffee black.

Monday, April 6, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
on norwegian black metal
specifically emperor and mayhem.
taking pictures of dead bandmate replete with slit wrists and a shotgun blast to the head. and then using it as an album cover. snap. aw snap.
in america, you just kinda need a tattoo to fit in at a metal show. in norway, you need to have killed someone or at least tasted human blood. they're like born with pentagrams on the inside of their eyelids, and their physiognomy bettered suited to double bass pedals and growling.
so awesomely metal. god bless'm.
Monday, March 23, 2009
maybe there is a god
during a recent bout of filming for "the duchess" in the english countryside, actress keira knightley was taken by surprise when a herd of cows came crashing after her. the episode forced her to run for her life. we are pleased to report that she successfully evaded the stampede of dairy cows. 
i just heard that i've been passed over in favor of anne hathaway for the role of judy garland in an upcoming biopic.
fuck you anne.

Monday, February 23, 2009
new york ear and eye control
this is an open letter addressed to our avid reader erin. 

we've heard on tonight's the city after show that you are single. raul would like to help you.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
may all beings realize the ecstatic transparency of their own minds
hey readers. today i wanted to take you back to:
land of swimming horses.

i'm going to show you some of my hometown of alexandria.
i think this is king st. in old town. it goes from the potomac river to the metro and beyond. metro is a dc term for new york subway.
this is the masonic temple. its weird and kinda cult-like inside with lots of wax biblical scenes. its built on a hill that used to have colonial structures until they burned down in the war, much like everything else i love. i did a dig at this site there once, shuter's hill. i found a ceramic fragment sifting the dirt. so much history in virginia. i think that's why they say virginia is for lovers.

this is a parking lot down on union street. it's by the water. when the river floods, this most likely looks like atlantis.

this is an artist's rendering of what atlantis most likely looks like these days.

this is misha's. i spend alot of time here talking with the locals like cole the poet, the moral relativist, larry (who used to work on an oil rig) and others. they sit in the smoking room almost all day long. yes, there is a smoking room because virginia is a tobacco state and try as they will, smoking will never be banned like they banned guns in churches.

this is a public skate park that i think about going to all the time. i did go once senior year of high school. and i had epic entrance music. i turned up the intro to when the levee breaks by led zeppelin real loud and swung open the car door. big ass john bonham drums. all the twelve year olds stop and look. i say yo, let's slam. and i walk my board into the park. i get on my board and get super self-conscious. i roll over to a ramp. i get off my board, pick it up and leave the park.

this is where i went to high school. west potomac. so many fond memories. if i could go back and meet my 16 year old self, he'd probably kick the shit out of me, even though i'd want to kick the shit out of him.

this was my ap government teacher mr. henderson. he was awesome. we brought skillets into class and would cook breakfast in class. grits, eggs, bacon, sausage, biscuits, pancakes. until the asst. principal shut it down. she came in during our winter solstice druid celebration when we were playing ac/dc's let there be rock and talking about the judicial system.
having seen my hometown, you can imagine that this picture illustrates a lot of the identity conflict i feel as a southerner living in the yankee territory. for me, the war of northern aggression is an event that i daily live through. i think this will help you, gentle readers, understand where i'm coming from when i blog compulsively about stupid things. you have to understand, where i'm from horses can swim and our civil war memorials have their backs to the north and there's evil bbq that tastes yummy; there are people who dress up in colonial garb and use chamber pots to poop in; and when you tell 14 year olds where you're from they say, "virgina," and giggle. it makes you attach yourself to odds and ends that others discard, like joaquin phoenix, civil war generals with outrageous facial hair, girls who are famous because they are on reality tv shows and free jazz. but really, i'm just like everyone else. at the end of the day, i just want a tall glass of chocolate milk and a girl to read to me from the tibetan book of the dead while i fall asleep.
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